Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Facebook as a Pathogen: Predicting the Next Big Thing

According to one Princeton professor, social media sites such as Facebook are akin to the pathogens that have plagued humankind, save for one important difference.
Facebook, according to Dr. John Cannarella, is a pathogen of the mind. Cannarella isn’t judging the site or its content, but is instead referring to the idea that websites are memes.
A meme—not to be confused with a viral Internet photo—is a concept form the social sciences. Fundamentally, a meme is an idea. Like a pathogen, it is passed from person to person. As with any virus, the population can gain immunity.
The Princeton Study
In his paper, Dr. Cannarella predicted that Facebook will lose over 80% of its user base by 2017. The professor and his team analyzed the growth curves of Facebook and MySpace, and then they compared the curves to those of common pathogens.
Surprisingly, the curves matched. In the case of MySpace, the social network’s curve matched the average rate at which a population recovers from an illness.
Dr. Cannarella notes that Facebook is just beginning to enter the “abandonment phase,” the point at which its popularity is beginning to taper off. To gather their data, the team analyzed Google searches relevant to the networks over several years.
Facebook began as a tool for Harvard students, but it was soon opened to the general population. Users took to the site’s clean interface and useful features. Today, the site enjoys over 1.23-billion members, and over 900-million mobile users. Yet now, according to Dr. Cannarella’s thesis, Facebook users are beginning to chafe.
In this model, users of social networks gain immunity as the networks mutate from their original state. Any good pathogen seeks to infect as much of the population as possible before becoming harmful. Put another way, as networks seek to monetize, they make changes that irritate users. Users then begin to develop immunity to them.
Facebook, which recently went public, is particularly susceptible because the changes they now make are driven by a desire to turn a profit for their investors. Networks Twitter and Pinterest, on the other hand, have high survivability according to this model because they change little and have high utility.
Effects of Mutation
In 2014, Facebook spent time in the limelight for supposedly cooperating with the NSA’s PRISM project and for conducting experiments on its users. Both of these stories had Facebook users up in arms, and the latter spurred one creative agency to launch a non-profit experiment of their own.
The agency, Just B.V, is calling for Facebook users to give up the network for 99 days and to take happiness questionnaires periodically throughout that time. As of July 2014, over 6,000 Facebook users have signed on. Just as illuminating, a Cornell University study revealed that 25% of Facebook users periodically deactivate their accounts.
It’s unlikely that Google+ will be “the next big thing.” The network is associated with Facebook in user’s minds, and not in a good way. Naturally, the next Facebook will utilize cutting-edge algorithms that make it easy for users to connect in meaningful ways, and it will be heavily focused on mobile. Tying into a user’s geographic location has several advantages.
Such a network could alert the user to resources in their immediate environment, as well as to people of interest. The Geo-fence will likely come into play here, and the network may help shoppers find valuable discounts in brick and mortar stores.
The age of social media for fun is likely drawing to a close, so expect the next Facebook to focus on saving users time.
Networks that continue to cater to teens—who have infinite time—are in danger of becoming the next MySpace. The next big thing can crop up at any time, so be vigilant. You’ll want to get in before it’s saturated with marketers.
Keeping tabs on the social media marketing landscape is vital to your success. If you’d like to have access to even more powerful marketing tips, as well as a way to generate conversion-ready Internet marketing prospects each month, click here to learn about my done-for-you system.
Hank ...

Thursday, 18 December 2014

Use Instagram to Connect with Your Audience

Instagram began as an iPhone and Android app that allowed users to share photos on Facebook directly from their phones. It has since become a social media channel in its own right. Marketers are learning that Instagram is a powerful marketing tool.
An interactive audience
One of the main reasons that Instagram is so powerful for marketing is that it delivers marketing messages in the exact way its audience wants them delivered. According to social media experts, the Instagram community is more interactive that other channels such as Twitter, Facebook or Google+.
To be successful on Instagram it is very important to interact with your Instagram followers. Here are some tips for engaging with the Instagram community.
Have conversations
Communicate with your followers by replying to comments and post questions. If you respond to comments, be sure to use the @mention feature. This way, the original commenter will be notified about your response.
Use images to tell stories
Instagram is all about connection and authenticity. You can humanize yourself and your company by posting behind-the-scenes photos. You can also use photos submitted by your followers. Instagram offers several photo-editing tools to allow you to quickly and easily edit your photos and give them a professional polish.
Promote events
If you are planning an event such as a contest, give away, or sale, Instagram is a great place to promote your event. Use visuals and hashtags to key your followers in to your event. Interested members can use the hashtag to find out more about your event.
Offer Incentives
You can use Instagram to offer various incentives such as discounts, coupon and custom codes. These incentives can be used to encourage participation. For example, you can use incentives to reward your followers for looking at your images and reading your descriptions.
Photo contests
You can use Instagram to run photo contests to increase engagement among your followers. Just like events, give your photo contest a unique hashtag. Ask your submitters to use the hash tag. This way, the photo entries are easy to search. Visitors can find the photos and cast their votes. You can also use the hashtag to find all user-submitted photos and decide on a winner.
Let customers sell your brand
Passionate customers are your best advocates. They will tell your story from an outsider’s perspective. This can be a powerful selling tool. Feature your customers’ pictures on Instagram. In addition to rewarding your customers with recognition, customer photos offer powerful social proof for your products. Your customers will love the recognition as well. Lastly, customer-submitted photos give you a unique view into how your customers experience your brand. You can take that information to strengthen your brand.
Instagram is a powerful marketing tool, if used correctly. The Instagram community is built around engagement. Use comments and photos to interact with your followers on Instagram.
Monitoring the social media marketing landscape is vital to your success. If you’d like to have access to even more powerful marketing tips, as well as a way to generate conversion-ready Internet marketing prospects each month, click here to learn about my done-for-you system.

Sunday, 14 December 2014

See How Google has set the Content Bar Ever Higher

In Google’s quest to improve the overall quality of content on the Web, the company makes continuous updates to its algorithm. These updates may receive colorful names, but they are serious business. You should familiarize yourself with these changes so that you can remove or change content that Google no longer wants to rank.
Hummingbird Recap
Google released an overhaul to its engine on Sept 16, 2013. The update, dubbed “Hummingbird,” affected a startling 90% of searches. Hummingbird represents the most extensive overhaul to the search engine of all time.
Hummingbird shifts the focus away from individual keywords and places it on longtails. These search phrases are specific to a particular person, place, product or location.
For instance, if someone is looking for widgets in Houston, they might type into Google, “where can I find widgets in Houston?” Naturally sprinkling these longtail phrases into your content can help you outrank people who are cramming individual keywords into their pages.
Additionally, Google has now integrated its Knowledge Graph into search, meaning that Google will attempt to answer questions directly.
The search engine still links to the site that it is lifting the answer from; however, and this can drive a ton of traffic. More than ever, it pays to be an authority in your niche. Google’s overall goal is to make their search engine better understand a searcher’s intent.
The original Panda updates were designed to prevent sites with low-quality content from ranking higher. These sites typically use SEO tactics to rank, since their content is not very sharable. To combat this, Google programmed the Panda filter to identify poorly written content and penalize it. While the filter isn’t perfect yet, it is already highly effective.
Panda 4.0 is an update to this filter that gives more weight to social signals like +1s, likes, and retweets. It penalizes for duplicate content, as well. This was a major update that affected over 7% of English keywords.
Penguin, released in 2012, was designed to penalize webmasters who were trying to game the system. Penguin analyzes the link profile of a site and makes an educated guess about whether the links were purchased.
Sometimes, this is quite easy for Penguin to detect. Sites with mostly do-follow links are prime suspects. Google has also taken steps to de-index networks that sell backlinks. You definitely don’t want your site associated with these services.
Always produce unique, high-quality content, and don’t scrape content off of other sites. Avoid thin content whenever possible, and aim for at least 250 words in each post.
When you write an article, have a purpose for doing so that goes beyond, “I want to rank for this keyword.” Encourage social shares by breaking your content down into small paragraphs and sections, and use lots of images.
Seek backlinks from authority sites in your niche, but never purchase them. The best way to do this is to forge relationships with the site owners and then point them to your high-quality content.
Ranking well in Google is a powerful means of generating high-quality traffic. If you found this article useful, and want to learn about even more powerful marketing methods, click the link below to find out about my done-for-you system.
Hank van den Berghe

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

What Is a Sales Funnel?

The biggest mistake many online marketers make is selling a customer a single product one time and then moving on to the next customer.

This approach ignores the important concept of Lifetime Value (LTV) of a customer, and increasing the average LTV of your customers should be your primary objective, because it’s the best way to increase your long-term profits and grow your online business.

For example, let’s say you are working in the health and fitness niche and you use a squeeze page to attract new prospective customers.

A squeeze page is a web page on which you offer something with a high perceived value for free in exchange for the contact information of the people who land there, such as their email address or phone number.

Point of Entry: Squeeze Page
In this example, on your squeeze page your giveaway could be something like an exercise video or an eBook on healthy eating – both of which are something people interested in getting fit would likely be willing to trade in exchange for their email address.

An exchange is made, the prospect gets your giveaway, and you get their contact information. This is the beginning of the sales funnel.

You have successfully attracted a prospect into your sales funnel. Your next goal needs to be converting this person from a prospect into a paying customer. You do this by immediately offering them your Lead Product or your first offer.

Offer Irresistible Lead Products
Your Lead Product needs to be something irresistible to your prospect. It should have higher perceived value than your giveaway and be offered at a price point that your customer can’t refuse.
In our example, this could be a series of DVDs or downloadable videos that show how to do 200 fat-burning exercises that you are offering for $9.99. In the fitness niche, and at that price point, the conversion rate for this type of product likely will be very high.

Now here’s the tricky part. You’ve successfully converted a prospect into a customer and have earned $9.99, which is the current LTV of that customer.

Rather than being satisfied with that and allowing them to walk away, your next goal should be to start pushing them further and further along your sales funnel by offering them a series of increasingly more costly products within the same niche.

Exploiting a ‘Buying Mood’
After your customer buys your $9.99 workout videos, you can immediately offer them an upsell opportunity, such as a monthly subscription service that delivers 200 additional videos from a professional personal trainer for $19.99/month.

Frequently, when a customer already has made a purchase, they are in a “buying mood” and are more open to buying additional products. If they buy your upsell, their LTV has risen to $30.

Conversely, if your prospect declines your Lead Offer, you can try to recapture them with a downsell, which is usually a modified version of your Lead Offer at a discounted price. In our example, this might be the Top 10 Exercises for Fat Loss for only $4.99.

Recapturing Lost Customers
Downsells are designed to convert your prospect so that they stay in your sales funnel, even if you don’t earn as much from them on the initial sale.

Now that you have converted the prospects who landed on your squeeze page into customers and have gotten them to buy either your Lead Offer, your Lead Offer plus your upsell (or at the very least your downsell) you can continue to use their contact information to promote a series of increasingly more costly products over the next several days, weeks, or months.

To learn more about how an effective sales funnel can maximize your average LTV, check out our lead generation system by clicking here now.

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Facebook has banned Like-Gating: Now what?

You might be wondering, “So what is Facebook Like-gating?” Like-gating is when a Facebook page owner restricts users from viewing certain content if they have yet to like their page.

This was a pretty common occurrence on Facebook, especially among big companies. They usually force their fans to like their pages in exchange for lucrative coupons, discounts, access to contests and games, or free reports and videos.

Marketers are also known for giving away courses and e-books in exchange for likes. It is pretty similar to building an email list, though in this case you increase the reach of your Facebook page.

Why did it work?
People love free stuff, and it doesn’t take them too long to like a page. So, they were more than happy to do so to get coupons that could save them a couple of dollars.

Facebook page owners found this feature very useful. They didn’t have to spend any money on Facebook ads or high-quality content and images anymore.

All they had to do was announce their contest or offer (free information, coupons, and so on) and do some basic promotion to get the ball rolling. Discounts and free stuff go viral on Facebook pretty fast, so they were getting tons of potential buyers to their list (their page, in this case) with little to no money spent.

Facebook’s new stand on like-gating
On August 2014, Facebook officially banned Like-gating and announced that Facebook pages have 90 days to comply with their new terms.

They believe that by incentivizing people to like pages, the quality of a page’s fans is being severely compromised. According to them, only people who really like a page and want to connect with the associated company should like it—not those who were bribed or forced to do so.

Facebook says that a number of business owners have increased their usage of Facebook advertising after using like-gating for one of their offers. They believe this is because of the low quality likes they got from the process.

They might have a point. You don’t want someone who’s only there for a freebie you offered months ago and might never be interested in your business or products as your primary audience.

But then again, most of the marketers don’t seem to think so, judging by the blow out this news created all over the marketing community. Many marketers depended on like-gating to get likes for their page, and are now out of options.

Can you still get likes to your Facebook pages?
Of course you can. There are a number of tried and tested, albeit difficult methods that continue to get high quality, targeted likes for thousands of Facebook pages.

Facebook advertising is a proven way to get high-quality likes. They let you narrow your ads’ reach down by age, location, interests, gender, and a number of other factors that’ll make sure your ad only appears in front of a highly-targeted audience. But, Facebook ads can get pretty expensive—especially if you don’t know what you’re doing.

Sharing regular, high-quality, relevant content and images with your fans will also do the trick. Though this method might consume a lot of your time, it was one of the original methods used by Facebook marketers and has always worked when done right.

The key is in sharing content that your fans will want to share with their friends, thereby creating a viral effect that will bring more fans to your page by word-of-mouth marketing.

Like-gating might have been banned, but it is not the only form of “gating” content on Facebook. You can do what’s called “action-gating,” where you ask for actionable data such as email addresses, customer feedback, etc., in exchange for exclusive information.

By the way, in addition to trying out these methods, click this link to find out how our lead generation system can help you achieve your ultimate goal of getting warm leads who’re ready to buy from you.

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Awesome New Ad Centre!

Awesome new Ad Centre!

What sets Ads4Success.com apart is that members
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Come join us now for free and receive $200 of free advertising

Click the link NOW ===> http://www.ads4success.com/index.php?r=10khank

See you at the top,

Hank van den Berghe

Monday, 25 August 2014

Free Top Best Places Advertise For Houston, Texas Home Business & Sales Pros

Free Top Best Places Advertise For Houston, Texas Home Business & Sales Pros

100 Free Leads Daily, Personal One-On-One MLM Online Marketing Training, Advertise A Phone # - like this one  ---602-800-6760--- Making $3,500 Weekly

Everything you need to build your Houston, Texas Home Business & Sales Pros business right on this page...

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A Free Craigslist Video Marketing Course for Houston, Texas Home Business & Sales Pros . Simply copy the script and replace my info with your’s and post in YOUR C/L home town listing under Sales Jobs and Sm Biz category. I --- Hankinoz --- sponsor from 10 to 20 new members in my Big Ticket money making program a month using what is called a SIZZLE CALL. I place several ads with the phone number --- 602-800-6760 --- in the Sales Jobs and Sm Biz category  You can be just as creative for your Houston, Texas Home Business & Sales Pros money making opportunity using a SIZZLE CALL # like this one ---602-800-6760
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Houston, Texas Home Business & Sales Pros    Houston, Texas Home Business & Sales Pros Houston, Texas Home Business & Sales Pros

You can find more Free Top Best Places Advertise For Houston, Texas Home Business & Sales Pros here:

Houston, Texas Home Business & Sales Pros

Houston (/ˈhjuːstən/ HYOO-stən) is the most populous city in Texas and the fourth most populous city in the United States. According to the 2012 U.S. Census estimates, the city had a population of 2.16 million people within a land area of 599.6 square miles (1,553 km2).[5][6] Houston is the seat of Harris County, and its metropolitan area is the fifth-most populated in the U.S., with over 6 million people.[7] Houston was founded in 1836 on land near the banks of Buffalo Bayou (now known as Allen's Landing)[8][9] and incorporated as a city on June 5, 1837. The city was named after former General Sam Houston, who was president of the Republic of Texas and had commanded and won at the Battle of San Jacinto 25 miles (40 km) east of where the city was established. The burgeoning port and railroad industry, combined with oil discovery in 1901, has induced continual surges in the city's population. In the mid-twentieth century, Houston became the home of the Texas Medical Center—the world's largest concentration of healthcare and research institutions—and NASA's Johnson Space Center, where the Mission Control Center is located.[10]

Hankinoz is a professional Business Building Coach. My goal in the next 90 days is to have you positioned to make $100,000 this time next in your business by offering FREE training.

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Wednesday, 30 April 2014

5 Top Tips of Successful

Incorporate these skills into your strategy for success and you’ll move forward quicker than you ever dreamed!

•    Hustle:  generally, people who make it big have one thing in common—they are dissatisfied with the status quo.  They will not take what is “common” or “expected” and let that define their lives—they move past it and excel.  You must work hard and hustle.

•    Character:  someone coined the phrase, “character is what you do in the dark.”  In other words, when no one is looking, will you behave differently than if someone was looking?  If not, then you have character.  If you are attacked, be tough—not hard.  Don’t be a pushover, but be compassionate, gentle, and flexible—especially on procedure (not principle).

•    Risk Taking:  this isn’t gambling, it’s a willingness to be bold, hearty, and to push forward.  People who refuse to take risks are definitely going to lose.  If you refuse a new promotion because you’re not confident of your skills, you will likely be passed over when a different chance arrives.  

Don’t be afraid of rejection, just take it as part of life and you’ll find there’s nothing to be afraid of—especially in the word “no.”  “No” is just another opportunity to find a way around an obstacle and to use creative problem-solving skills.

•    Time Management:  we all know that one minute has 60 seconds and that one hour has 60 minutes.  One day has 24 hours, and one year has 365 days.  But one year also has 525,600 minutes.  We don’t think about a year in such small increments, but maybe we should.  We waste minutes as if they’ll always be around, and the fact is that time wasted is time we can never get back.  We might miss a deal or promotion of a lifetime by wasting just a few minutes.  

Proper time management is essential as you climb to success.  Continue to break goals down in to manageable chunks—do that with relation to your day and the time you’ve been given.  You’ll accomplish far more this way and you won’t regret using your time wisely.

•    Master Non-Verbal Communication:  it is said that our body language and facial expressions do much more communicating than our words will ever do.  When the words that you speak don’t match the expressions on your face or the stance of your body, you confuse the listener and muddle your message. 

Be aware that when you try to “multi-task,” you often end up short-changing something, and the last thing you want is to short-change people.  Don’t try to do too much at once—your willingness to do this tells people they aren’t important, even if you’re expressing your appreciation of their work and effort.  Be aware of what message your body is sending off!

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Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Success: 5 Secrets to Continued Success

Success:  5 Secrets to Continued Success

Success:  5 Secrets to Continued Success

Develop these 5 attributes of a successful person, and you will find yourself moving quickly toward your goals in life!

  • Thick Skin:  you cannot be easily offended or hurt if you want to be successful.  There will always be people who are jealous or envious or out to bring someone else down—you must develop a way to see past that and let it roll off your back, like “water off a duck’s back.”

    Ducks have feathers that are tight and their density act like oil—it keeps the duck dry and warm.  So when water (cold or otherwise) lands on the back of a duck, it simply rolls off.  Let criticism roll off your back in a similar manner—because if you are going to be successful, you will have your share of criticism.  Count on it.

  • Obedience:  although this might seem strange to talk about to adults and not children, it is important to consider that in order to be a leader, you must first learn how to obey a leader.  You must learn the principle of loyalty to a leader if you want to lead others.

    Once you have learned how to obey and to follow directions, you can lead others and understand what commands and orders do for an organization and an individual.  Consider this:  175 of the CEOs of Fortune 500 companies are former US Marines, and 27 US Presidents served in the military.

  • Courage:  bravery is not courage, but you cannot have courage without being brave.  Courage is the moral fortitude to stand up for your character (touched on in the last article) and to do the right thing—even in the face of adversity.

    When you have courage, you follow through on your vision.  It’s on display every day and only the courageous have the ability to get the most out of life.  When you have the strength of your conviction, find the courage to put it in to action.  You won’t be sorry you did.

  • Intolerance:  not exactly what you might expect to find in an article about success, but each of us must be intolerant of any number of things:  intolerant of abuse, of injustice, of the things that you know are immoral, unethical, or illegal.  If there’s anything in this world you should be intolerant of, those are some of them.  I hope you are an intolerant person—in the right way.

  • Sense of Humour:  if you don’t have a sense of humour, you will fall flat on your face and never be someone who succeeds.  A good portion of the road we walk to success is filled with blockades and potholes.  If you come up against one and go down, you must have the ability to laugh at the situation and yourself.  If you don’t, you will be angry and bitter about your misfortune and never move past it.  Laugh at yourself and what you run up against and you’ll find your climb to the top is quicker and more enjoyable than you thought it would be.

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